
February 21, 2014


Sometimes I can't figure out what to write in a blog post because I have no inspiration.  Today, I am  struggling to discern which of the many thoughts going through my head are the most worthy to post about.  I've had an epic end to 2013 and also a pretty noteworthy beginning to 2014.  Notice it's already the end of February and I'm still talking about the new year.  I've been kind of stuck in this transitional time.  I miss normalcy and routine, but at the same time, I think my notion of normal has gone out the window since moving my life to Rwanda.

As soon as I arrived back in Rwanda from spending a month in the States, I felt this tremendous pressure.  Pressure to accomplish.  Pressure to jump right back on the horse.  Pressure to get the ball rolling.  Pressure to get over my own personal issues.  Pressure to be somebody who can tackle a task way bigger than me.  Pressure is my worst enemy.  This type of pressure is built on pride which is the absence of trust in God.  When I'm experiencing this pressure, I am experiencing a world where God isn't active.  A world that is based on a lie.

I've been praying for freedom from the weight of this pressure.  It isn't mine to bear.  God reminded me this week that He doesn't ask for me to accomplish anything on my own.  All he asks is for me to love Him through obedience.  Now, some might see that statement and think that God is a dictator of sorts who only wants us to obey His law.  I used to see it that way, but the more I've gotten to know God, the more I understand that there is so much FREEDOM in obeying God without the responsibility of being God!  Because of this, I can move forward each day, knowing that through obeying Him, GOD will accomplish more than I can imagine.  God has never gotten off the horse.  God's ball has never stopped rolling.  God's only issue is with Sin, not with me, and guess what?  He's already conquered that issue.  God gives us freedom to trust Him with all the worries of the world because He cares for us.

Young Life Africa is praying for freedom this year; the type of freedom that Christ died for.  I don't think freedom is spoken of often enough.  And when it is, it can be misconstrued into a worldly type of freedom.  A freedom to sin and live however you want.  This prayer for freedom in Christ is coming alive in the form of a Freedom Walk happening this July!  Click on that link to see what it's about and how you can be praying for freedom where you live as well as in Africa.  Spread the word that God offers the truest form of freedom!