
March 3, 2011


So, this week I made the declaration, “I’m a real teacher!”  Maybe it doesn’t sound profound, since I’ve been teaching for 7 months now… but I haven’t really felt like I’ve achieved the status or somehow qualified for the “real” teacher title. 

So, to make this intro even more lame, I have to admit that the only reason I made that declaration is because I rearranged my art classroom and I miraculously gained a ton of space out of it.  I now have an instructional space at the front of the room by the white board.  All I did was move my desk and a few book shelves and shuffles the tables around.  It looks like a serious classroom now.  Finally!

With teaching, I’ve experienced a lot of firsts this year;  The first time I’ve had my own classroom.  The first time I’ve taught every grade in two days.  The first time I have had students speaking a different language to each other in my class.  The first time being a teacher first, younglife leader second.  The first time I’ve ever taught paper mache.  The first time I’ve constructed a zillion lesson plans for just one week.  The first time implementing my own classroom behavior plan.  The first time painting murals with a dozen elementary students. 

KICS has a service day called KICS Cares in which students are assigned service projects throughout the community of Kigali and at school.  I was able to select a number of students to paint a couple murals on the cafeteria walls.  I had several meetings with the top art students in 4th-6th grade and we came up with a design for two walls.  They loved it!  Since it was my first time ever organizing something like this, I was just a tad overwhelmed by the assignment.  However, now that it’s complete and looks great, I can see this type of project happening again.  Here are some photos of the murals:

100_3320This mural has landmarks from all over the world painted on it.  Like the signatures of the kids under the world?  They were so proud they wanted to claim it as their own.



This one is a bit more complex.  In the background is a hint of the KICS Kite symbol.  There are three hills to represent the hilly country of Rwanda.  On the middle hill is the cross and dove to show that Jesus is the center of all things and of this school.  The hill on the right has animals that are found in Rwanda and a verse that speaks of God’s creation.  The hill on the left is a child’s version of Kigali with the verse Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world”. 


Ok, I have more firsts to share.

First time seeing a cow interrupt a soccer game by wandering out on to the playing field and being chased away by a shepherd.  First time having a cockroach and termite infestation problem at the same time and place.  First time it’s been fairly normal for birds to fly in and out of classrooms.  First time I’ve danced to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” in front of my church congregation that is filled with students from the school where I teach.  First time I’ve been pied in the face by a student while teaching a class.   The firsts could go on, but I think you’ve heard enough.  I don’t think the firsts will ever be over.  This is my adventure; it’s never boring and never disappoints. 

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